Answers – AWS Transit Gateway

What are the top 10 things I need to know about the new AWS Transit Gateway (TGW)?

A concise list of what you”ll want to know about the AWS Transit Gateway before you deploy it in production.
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What kind of throughput can I expect from the AWS Transit Gateway (TGW) to my on-prem or customer environments?

Understand the various AWS transit architectures and servivces like encryption impact throughput and performance.
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What are the advantages in switching to the AWS Transit Gateway from an existing Transit VPC (e.g. CSR) deployment?

Learn the benefits of migrating from an older transit VPC architecture to one based on the new AWS Transit Gateway.
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Why should I use the Aviatrix Terraform Provider to build and maintain my AWS Transit Gateway?

Learn the additional benefits when using the Aviatrix Terraform provider vs the standard AWS provider for AWS Transit Gateway.
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Why should I use Aviatrix Next Gen Transit when I can just use the AWS Transit Gateway?

Understand how the Next Generation Transit Network leverages native AWS transit Gateway to provide better security, scale and operational capabilities.
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How can I build hybrid cloud networking with AWS Direct Connect Hosted VIF?

Understand the two ways to connect a Direct Connect link to your AWS VPC.
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How does High Availability work with Aviatrix?

How to use High Availability mode in Aviatrix controller for Peering, Egress Filtering or Site2Cloud.
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AWS Transit Gateway Support for Direct Connect: Pros and Cons

Understand the pros and cons of using Transit Gateway with Dx and how Aviatrix helps overcome limitations while also extending capabilities.
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What is a Next-Generation Transit Hub and how is it different?

A global transit network is an AWS-sanctioned approach for facilitating communications from many Spoke VPCs to on-premise datacenter resources via a Transit Hub VPC.
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What are my options for a Transit VPC?

If you have many VPCs that need connectivity, a hub-and-spoke topology can simplify your network with a reduced number of connections to manage.
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How do I migrate from a vRouter based transit hub to a software-defined AWS Transit Hub?

Understand some of the differences between a vRouter based transit hub and a software-defined transit hub, with practical step-by-step instructions on how to migrate.
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Why is the Aviatrix Global Transit solution a better choice over Cisco CSR?

Understand the operational differences in using a Cisco CSR vs Aviatrix as your AWS Global Transit Hub.
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How to test Aviatrix Transit VPC for AWS — without requiring a connection to your data center?

Learn how to create an AWS VPC that emulates a data center — allowing you to test a transit VPC without having to establish a connection to your on prem environment.
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What are the best practices for maintaining and operating a Global Transit VPC?

Learn how to efficiently maintain and operate a transit VPC in AWS using troubleshooting, alerting and monitoring.
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