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Cloud Security

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, cloud security has emerged as a cornerstone for enterprises navigating the complex terrain of cloud networking. The transition to cloud-based services offers scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency, yet it also introduces a new array of security challenges. In this context, a robust cloud security platform, such as Aviatrix, becomes indispensable for safeguarding digital assets against emerging threats.

What Is Cloud Security?

Cloud security encompasses a broad spectrum of policies, technologies, applications, and controls deployed to protect cloud-based systems, data, and infrastructure. From authenticating access to filtering traffic, cloud security can be tailored to the unique needs of the business. The flexibility of cloud security solutions enables businesses to deploy them on-premises, in the cloud, or a hybrid model, offering protection across various cloud services and infrastructure.

Why Use A Cloud Security Platform?

A cloud security platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to address multiple facets of cloud security, from identity and access management (IAM) to data protection and threat intelligence. Aviatrix, a leader in cloud networking solutions, extends its expertise into the realm of cloud security, providing an integrated platform that simplifies and secures cloud connectivity across multiple cloud service providers (CSPs).

The Aviatrix platform is engineered to address the inherent complexities of cloud networking and security, offering visibility, control, and compliance across cloud environments. Its solutions are tailored to enhance the security posture of enterprises, enabling secure cloud network architectures that are both scalable and resilient.

Cloud Security Best Practices

Adopting best practices in cloud security is crucial for organizations to protect their cloud assets effectively. These practices include:

  • Data Encryption: Encrypting data at rest and in transit to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.
  • Access Management: Implementing strict access controls and identity verification processes to ensure that only authorized personnel can access cloud resources.
  • Threat Detection and Response: Utilizing advanced threat detection tools to identify and mitigate potential security threats in real-time.
  • Regular Audits and Compliance Checks: Conducting regular security audits and ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations to maintain a strong security posture.
  • Zero Trust Architecture: Adopting a zero-trust security model that assumes no entity inside or outside the network is trusted and verifies every access request.

Aviatrix Is Fundamental To Secure Cloud Networking

Aviatrix’s cloud security solutions are designed to empower enterprises with advanced security capabilities. By leveraging the Aviatrix platform, organizations can implement a multi-cloud network architecture that incorporates best practices in cloud security. The platform’s intuitive interface and advanced analytics capabilities enable seamless management of cloud networks, ensuring that security is not compromised in the pursuit of agility and efficiency.

Become the cloud networking hero of your business.

See how Aviatrix can increase security and resiliency while minimizing cost, skills gap, and deployment time.

Cloud security topics and guides

What is Site to Cloud VPN?

A common solution to most security threats is a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN allows a user to access the internal resources of the company from an external network such as the Internet. This allows users to access internal resources in a secure manner.
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What Do Egress and Ingress Mean in the Cloud?

Egress in the world of networking implies traffic that exits an entity or a network boundary, while Ingress is traffic that enters the boundary of a network. While in service provider types of the network this is pretty clear, in the case of datacenter or cloud it is slightly different.
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What is the AWS Console?

For quite a long time, system/application scientists have looked for various ways to create and deploy sophisticated infrastructure or applications that provide highly scalable, all-around web-based services. And to a large extent, they have been able to succeed with the creation of web-based services like Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure.
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Why Use Egress Filtering?

Outbound or Egress controls prevent unauthorized access by internal resources to possibly dangerous endpoints out there in the wilds of the internet. A properly secured VPC will ensure that only trusted sites are accessible, thus reducing the risk of your digital services interacting with any unsavory entities as well as preventing any possible infections that may have occurred within your servers from dialing home to their command-and-control locations.
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What does AWS Networking Services Offer?

AWS is an acronym for Amazon Web Services. It is a cloud computing empire that leverages cloud-based services to provide flexible virtual infrastructure for its customers.
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What are Security Groups in AWS?

A security group is an AWS firewall solution that performs one primary function: to filter incoming and outgoing traffic from an EC2 instance. It accomplishes this filtering function at the TCP and IP layers, via their respective ports, and source/destination IP addresses.
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