What is a mature approach to cloud? And how do you know if you’ve reached it?
For many, embracing infrastructure as code (IaC)—the point where you can get out of the manual processes and towards automation—is the defining signal. It’s the holy grail of architecting a multicloud environment.
Throughout my experience helping Fortune 500 enterprises on their cloud journeys, I’ve found there are three things needed to achieve this outcome: Stability, Agility, and Security. Hitting one can be done with little effort. Two adds complexity and perhaps cost but is still achievable. Hitting all three simultaneously, however, is quite challenging and can introduce a lot of cost and complexity if not done right.
Which element is your company struggling with?
I recently wrote an article for Dataversity that highlights the core elements needed to produce the best mix of Stability, Agility, and Security in your multicloud environment and offers a checklist for keeping cloud initiatives on track. By architecting with foundational pieces in mind, businesses can reach cloud maturity more quickly.
You can read the full Dataversity article here: https://www.dataversity.net/multi-cloud-networking-design-checklist/
Checklists are helpful, but the skills gap is real. If you need help operationalizing this checklist, we at Aviatrix can help create simplicity when it comes to managing your multicloud infrastructure. Let’s talk about it.