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Aviatrix Blog

The Ideal Cloud Solution For Regulated Workloads

Multi-cloud is on the rise and no longer an option especially for larger enterprises, and you need the flexibility and efficiency of having a public cloud environment for your workloads. But there is still a distrust amongst CTOs and CIOs around putting your organization’s critical data and assets in the cloud.

What regulated industries such as financial institutions, insurance etc really want is to have the advantages of a hybrid with the assurance they can protect their assets and maintain compliance with industry and regulatory requirements.

But can you really avoid new risks by staying with your current system? Yes, off course you can — as long as you don’t mind lagging behind your competitors because standing still results in your business maintaining its legacy infrastructure and applications in an on-premises environment where innovation is much more difficult — making it harder to keep up with business demands and business agility. You’d also be missing out on the new cloud tools and systems to help you demonstrate regulatory compliance.

So what are the critical features for running regulated workloads in the cloud? I’ve highlighted six categories to consider:

  1. Security and trust: Is there security and trust across the entire cloud environment, with policies and controls that enable continuous compliance?
  2. Flexibility: Is there flexibility to adjust quickly and easily when regulatory requirements change across industries and geographies? Can you scale up across new cloud locations and expand into new markets and still meet regulations?
  3. Control: Do you have complete control of data, encryption, security, intellectual property, and mission-critical systems?
  4. Hybrid environments: Is there portability and consistency across private and public environments? Can you run both traditional virtualized workloads and containerized applications side by side?
  5. Ecosystem: Is there a supporting ecosystem that supports independent software vendors (ISVs) and SaaS providers for alternative services?
  6. Risk Management and Governance: Who is driving the governance and change management?

Aviatrix Multi-Cloud Network Architecture for Regulated Workloads

Public cloud can be complex when thinking about moving critical workloads to the cloud start from the bottom up in that everything depends on the cloud network. Think about the cloud network in a strategic way, don’t confine yourself into the “walled garden” of the CSP. You may start in a single cloud, but you will be multi-cloud at some point (probably sooner than later), therefore your cloud network must be future-proofed, multi-cloud ready, and based on best architectural practices.

With financial institutions, insurance, and regulated industries in mind, Aviatrix Multi-Cloud Network Architecture (MCNA) compliments the flexibility and efficiency of public cloud but introduces more advanced multi-cloud networking and security measures that regulated industries need to hit the six categories listed above.

For instance, some key MCNA highlights include; a highly available and repeatable multi-cloud network platform – build once and extend to any CSP for agility and convenience, integrated role-based access controls, encryption to secure data in transit anywhere in the cloud, segmentation to isolate workloads, and users, ThreatIQ with ThreatGuard for distributed threat visibility and control and continuous network compliance, visibility, monitoring, and evidential data. All of this is standardized, compliance-ready, and fully automated.

With Aviatrix MCNA you get a great cloud experience as opposed to a mediocre/poor experience when doing it yourself and If you want to learn more about MCNA, compliance, regulation, and our advanced network and security features, visit our Resource Library.


Try it for yourself

But don’t take my word for it, try MCNA for yourself, you can create your very own cloud network sandbox in minutes in AWS using the Aviatrix Starter Tool that will help you practice and prepare many use cases whilst exploring the advanced networking features, compliance capabilities, and day two management controls through a single pane of glass.